You are fertile and you are mothering all the time.

You know what can be hard, becoming a Mama, being a mama, it’s all hard. But, listening to yourself and your intuition is the way. Which is really rebelious. As to not going completely insane, I had to learn to redefine what fertility meant in the face of “unexplained” infertility. I had to become a rebel against what was told to me and and listen to myself. I had to become a mom in her mid-40s without getting pregnant. I had to heal from that.Lets talk about all of it, advocating for yourself, finding finances that don’t exisit, living your life depsite of a deep longing, you can’t even explain. What did I do to cope, well my team, my attmepst at making it into art. Let's face it: Life is unexpected, and when starting or expanding your family takes twists and turns that seem straight out of a terrifying, never-ending sci-fi adventure—but it happens to be your life—you need as much support as possible!

Welcome to the The Unexpected Way!

The Unexpected Way was born out of the deep desire to talk about the reality of this very personal and isolating experience. We wished more people were talking about when we were going through it, and the few that did talk about it were a lifeline for us in the darkest times.

We all have very different paths to motherhood, but we have one common thread: our longing to become parents and our determination to find a way to do it when seemingly all odds are stacked against us.

Through each conversation, we are committed to creating resources and inspiration for the many ways to grow your family and help shorten your path. At the same time, find healing, support, humor, empowerment, community, and even JOY in your unique journey.

You WILL become a parent. You may have to try a few different and unconventional routes. The path will most likely not be the one you thought, but believe it or not, the path you are on now will be why you will be such a fantastic parent. We'll talk about that, too!

We see you. We got you. You are not alone.


Jen & Ashley

Fertile Intuition

Be a Rebel Listen to yourself

A podcast about building your family one way or another. Fertility to adoption and everything in between.



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Let's Talk about it

Let's Talk about it